Workforce Upskilling – Reimagining Skill Development for Entire Jurisdictions

August 31, 2022


A global skills crisis is here. Technology is shrinking the shelf life of workplace skills, and almost all organizational leaders identify the risk as a high priority. However, close to two-thirds say their company is ill-equipped or unable to develop the skills of the present and the future.

While employers focus on the here and now of operational survival, the daunting task of assessing broadly-applicable skill gaps and deploying relevant upskilling solutions must be raised to the industry-level. Governments and industry groups now recognize that effective workforce upskilling is under their purview. 

It’s a critical process that addresses risks associated with worker safety, employability, and productivity of their workforces. And, it ensures that all employers and workers are afforded accessible and consistent skill development, which benefits all industry participants.

Advanced training platforms that go beyond the capabilities of the singleemployer LMS are key to enabling full workforce skill development.

And this is where we come in. With our SkillsPass platform, we offer a transformational workforce upskilling solution that powers on-demand skill development for all workers facing rapid change.

Solution Overview 

Bluedrop’s SkillsPass platform replaces outdated and piecemeal approaches to complex and time-sensitive upskilling challenges facing industries, employers, and workers. 

  • OUR INDUSTRY INTEGRATED PLATFORM — Our platform reimagines the way interdependent industry groups
    connect and seamlessly deliver workforce upskilling across
    entire industries.
  • OFFERING ON-DEMAND TRAINING— The SkillsPass MarketPlus Training Hub empowers employers and
    training providers to easily manage any training format. Whether
    it’s approved training partners, licensed 3 rd party courseware, or
    Bluedrop’s library of eLearning, it’s always easy to access and consume.
  • WITH STREAMLINED & SECURE DELIVERY — Workforce upskilling is complex- we get it. Our solution is uniquely positioned to help advance training access, eliminate inefficient manual processes, and optimize credential storage and sharing.
Core Solution Capabilities: 
  • Approve and authorize external training partners (including instructors). 
  • Deploy and manage relevant training from any internal or external source from a single marketplace. 
  • Issue workers eCertificates that are shareable with employers/regulators through their SkillsPass passport. 
  • Enable the secure sharing of valid credentials- across employers and even jurisdictions- with full respect of the worker’s right to consent. 
  • Empower employers business accounts to access and manage certifications. 
  • Provide reporting dashboards to access records and gain actionable insights.

End-to-End Training Delivery & Credential Management

SkillsPass helps power a holistic and transformational workforce upskilling solution. The platform provides true Integrated Skills Management (ISM) across industries and jurisdictions. With SkillsPass, providers can deliver, validate, and track all training formats digitally, and tackle training challenges that would overwhelm a traditional LMS

Reimagine Skill Development with SkillsPass

The true value of SkillsPass lies in the output of knowledgeable workers, with the skills required for individual, organizational,
and industry growth. Whether in the scale of hundreds, thousands, or millions, SkillsPass stretches across many organizations
and supports the advancement of workforce upskilling. 

SkillsPass exceeds the most stringent accessibility, privacy, consent, and security requirements. And our customers entrust us to deliver all formats of training and credential management for close to 3 million workers and counting.

Start with Domain Authority in Workforce Upskilling

Bluedrop is a globally recognized technology innovator that transforms training delivery and credential management for
workforces that stretch across many employers. Our Workforce Upskilling solution is leveraged by governments and crossborder industry groups around the globe to advance critical skill development for millions of workers.

Visit our upskilling solution page for more information, or to arrange a 30 minute power demo.

Solution Brief – 
Workforce Upskilling
Schedule Your
SkillsPass Demo
Arrange your 30 minute power demo of the SkillsPass training platform.
Schedule Your
SkillsPass Demo
Arrange your 30 minute power demo of the SkillsPass training platform.

Simply complete the form below and a Bluedrop ISM team member will contact you to arrange your 30 minute power demo of the SkillsPass training platform and our related workforce training solutions.

Free Trial!

Simply complete the form below. A SkillsPass team member will contact you with the details for your 90-day free, no-obligation trial of SkillsPass- including setup, activation, feature walk-through, and the various terms and conditions that apply.

Giving Bank:
Eligibility Requirements (None)

  • Connect with us and send us your information – we’re happy to learn more and explore whether we are a fit.

Eligibility Requirements

  • At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis
  • Praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas
  • Molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique
  • Sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
Community Skills & Economic Empowerment:
Eligibility Requirements
  • Ability to clearly explain the problem you are looking to address 
  • Ability to describe how this support will help you better assist your participants
  • Projects need to be developed, launched and demonstrate results within 12 months
Women in Tech Grants:
Eligibility Requirements

Applications can be received from the following:

  • A woman registered in a recognized technology related program
  • A registered college or university wanting to provide a grant
  •  A registered not-for-profit or charity that supports women in tech programs
  • A tech sector focused community group 
  • Student and organizations need to reside in Canada
Technology Upgrades:
Eligibility Requirements
  • Ability to clearly explain the challenges you are looking to address through a Salesforce implementation 
  • Project needs to be developed, launched and demonstrate results within 12 months

Supporting Refugees and Recent Immigrants :
Eligibility Requirements

  • Applications can be received from the following:

    • A registered not-for-profit or charity that supports refugees and recent immigrants in NL
    • A refugee or recent immigrant with a specific need in NL

Community Events:
Eligibility Requirements (None)

  • Connect with us and send us your information – we’re happy to learn more and explore whether we are a fit.

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A seamless online training ecosystem connection for all stakeholders or partners…

  • Including governments, regulators, industry associations, unions, career centers, training providers, employers and more.
  • These cross-organizational and complex training situations would overwhelm an LMS. SkillsPass fixes that, with a robust suite of NexGen features and functionality including:
    • ONLINE TRAINING HUB– our embedded MarketPlusTM online training marketplace- allowing our clients to go beyond their own training offerings and consolidate external training sources, whether classroom, online, or virtual. 
    • UNIQUE ARCHITECTURE– Industry open architecture solution design that enables third party solution integration and the bringing together of key partners/systems and eliminating the siloed, restrictive nature of the traditional LMS.
    • TRAINING PARTNER INTEGRATION– Training partner enablement through unique storefronts to accept bookings, track attendance, and issue certificates working in concert with each client’s marketplace. APIs are also available for Training Partners with their own software.
    • DIGITAL WORKER PASSPORT– The industry-first SkillsPass Worker Passport, allowing end-users to access and share their validated credentials securely with employers and regulators (via QR code).
    • MULTI-LEVEL REPORTING– Robust reporting and insights at an employer and industry (client) level. Clients can provide a business account for each employer partner to allow them to track valid certificates, assign training, and see the final results and expiry notifications. The platform also generates valuable client insights about training completion at certificate, demographic, partner, industry, and regional levels.


Providing end-to-end training delivery and credential management for all training formats…

  • This can include virtual, online, in-person, and blended training. Core capabilities include:
    • Manage learning paths that can include combination of online, virtual and blended offerings
    • Manage prerequisite requirements 
    • Track microcredentials that can be combined to form a master credential
    • Allow clients to build their own online courses and assessments 
    • Provide bookmarking so that learners can complete training in multiple sessions 
  • We have a globally recognized team of Learning Design and Production experts that work with industry SMEs to produce online and blended courseware and microcredentials.  They can take a project from concept to finished product within a few weeks. 
  • Over the years we have also amassed a large library of specialized courseware to address stubborn or urgent skills gaps with almost immediate time-to-launch and value.


With security and support that safeguards our client investments in two key ways:

  1. Battle-Tested Solutions– Having met the highest levels of audit, scrutiny, and testing related to data security, privacy/consent legislation, and web content accessibility guidelines.
    • Our consent-driven architecture supports the latest regulations and best practices in data privacy/consent, security, accessibility. The platform is secure and audit-proof- with SOC 2 Type I Audit Certification, PCI standards compliance, adherence to all SaaS security and privacy requirements, and more.  
    • We are global leaders in this space. Over the past few years, we have been through 500 governmental client Threat Risk Assessments, passed 5 Provincial PIAs, launched with 8 governments and 5 regulators, been approved and deployed by the US state departments to deploy the solution in 30 Countries.  
  2. Full Delivery Support Options– Our experienced Adoption Services Group can help clients realize their objectives after launch. We help ensure that if you build it, they actually will come.
    • Our team has managed client training initiatives that have impacted millions of workers, and support training stakeholders (e.g., training partners and employers) to adopt solutions.
    • Our optional managed services range from supporting client adoption efforts to full outsourcing of the rollout and operation of training initiatives. For some of our clients, we actually operate their entire training solution, including:
      • Full onboarding and training for stakeholder groups (such as training partners or employers) 
      • Generating awareness, engaging with potential partners, performing system demos, signing on partners, etc.
      • Sales and Marketing– we staff account management and sales roles, complete marketing strategies, design and place advertising, and develop promotional materials.
Enhancing Critical Workforce Skills

Bluedrop’s experience and proven eLearning content development capabilities are foundational in supporting our customers’ upskilling & reskilling requirements, and in maximizing the power of the SkillsPass™ Integrated Skills Management Platform.

Whether for broad State/Province upskilling programs, or single use, rapid response training requirements for a specific industry requirement- we can deliver an online solution with proven effectiveness and verifiable training results.


Bluedrop has developed and deployed eLearning training to support large and diverse upskilling and reskilling initiatives of governments and industries around the globe.


Bluedrop has amassed a a vast library of proven and impactful eLearning courses. Specialization includes commercial truck driver training, workplace productivity, entrepreneurship and a host of regulatory inspired courses,


The eLearning content solution combined with our SkillsPass ISM platform to help connect workers, employers, and related stakeholders. We also offer full execution support and program management including marketing, adoption, and customer support specialists that help drive successful uptake and results.

Our Solution – Multi-Stakeholder Benefits

Offers online training, certification, and credential management capabilities to support the transformation of broad-based upskilling/reskilling.

Is industry-agnostic, and is now securely deployed with governments, industry associations and employers around the world, with close to 3 Million users.

Enables the deployment of wide ranging course content options to support skill development including industry mandated, OH&S, and upskilling in those critical in-demand functions required in the new digital economy.

Provides partners with a digital, single line-of-sight into training results, credentials, and certifications at the industry through to the individual level.

Contact Us

Let’s keep this simple- just fire us an email, or give us a call if you have questions, or simply want to chat more about workforce skill development!
18 Prescott Street, St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada