Languages: EN/FR
Languages: EN/FR
Languages: EN/FR
Languages: EN/FR
Languages: EN/FR
This collection of courses assists carriers’ efforts to ensure the safe operation of their vehicles and the sound capabilities of their drivers. We also offer programs solely focused on mandatory entry-level training for Class 1 Commercial Truck Drivers.
In this course participants learn about the requirements and process for obtaining a Class 1A driver’s license, as well as federal and provincial laws and regulations and govern the operation of commercial vehicles.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 1.25 hours
In this course participants learn about the basic components of a typical tractor-trailer vehicle. Participants learn where these components are located, their functions and how they operate.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 3.5 hours
This course introduces participants to the procedures required to safely operate a tractor-trailer. These include preparation procedures, such as start-up and warm-up, and as well basic driving manoeuvres required to safely control vehicle direction, position and motion in various traffic situations.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 8.5 hours
Commercial drivers have a duty of care to proactively protect other road users from harm. This course introduces the concepts of defensive driving and proactive driving. Participants learn about the importance of developing good visual habits and judgement, as well as the impact of distracted and impaired driving on traffic safety.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 6.5 hours
To succesfully obtain a Class 1A driver’s license, drivers need to be able to demonstrate proper backing procedures for different types of manoeuvres. In this course participants learn the backing procedures for straight, offset, and alley-dock backing, as well as the procedures to safely couple and uncouple a trailer.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 2.5 hours
This course explains the purpose and importance of vehicle related documentation, such as daily trip inspection reports, daily logs, shipping documentation and cargo information. It introduces the concept of trip planning and explains how it relates to operating costs, fatigue and stress management.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 3.5 hours
Pre and Post-trip inspections ensure the early detection of problems or defects that are signs of major mechanical failures. In this course participants learn how to condcut pre and post-trip inspections.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 2.5 hours
This course introduces the federal and provincial hours of service regulations that commercial drivers must follow. Participants learn how to properly record and maintain a daily log of driver activities.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 3 hours
In addition to sound driving skills, commercial drivers need to have basic skills required to properly handle cargo. In this course participants learn about securement systems and devices, and the steps required to correctly contain, immobolize and secure cargo.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 4.5 hours
Commericial drivers need to be able to handle emergency situations and potentially hazardous traffic situations. This course shows how to handle minor emergencies, as well as situations where drivers are involved in collisions, fire emergencies. It describes the steps required to safely manoeuvre a tractor-trailer in the event of a mechanical breakdown.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 1.5 hours
To obtain a Class 1 driver’s license, drivers need to have a basic understanding of the air brake system. This course explains how a typical air brake system functions. It describes how to use an air brake system safely, and how to identify defects or system failures.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 6.5 hours
This suite of courses introduces the skills that support daily activities in the workplace, ensure productivity and success, and help individuals secure jobs and grow their careers.
Time management skills greatly affect workplace productivity. This course introduces topics such as setting priorities, avoiding procrastination, and taking initiative .
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 35 Minutes
Effective teams can accomplish anything they put their minds to. This course addresses topics such as how to be an effective team player, the importance of collaboration and how to inspire colleagues to work towards a common goal.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 30 mins
Communication is one of the most valuable skills people can develop for workplace success. This course will discuss the importance of being an active listener, highlight valuable skills for effective oral communications and provide some tips to improve written communication skills.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 35 Minutes
Offering great customer service is all about active listening, communicating clearly and helping patrons set realistic expectations. This course outlines how to set the right tone with customers and ensure they leave happy with the service they’ve received.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 35 Minutes
Every day, people face new and unique challenges at their job. In this course participants learn how to set and manage priorities so they can focus and effectively solve workplace problems.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 10 Minutes
Sometimes things don’t go according to plan and people get angry. This course introduces participants to the skills needed to deal with difficult customers and workplace conflict.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 25 Minutes
Computers can be intimidating. In this course participants learn computer basics such as keyboarding essentials, email, workplace internet etiquette and general guidelines for keeping computers safe and organized.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 55 Minutes
Using numbers on the job is about more than just math. In this course participants learn how numbers are used for everything from taking measurements on a job site, calculating weights and dimensions, and completing data entry and inventory management.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 20 Minutes
These courses are intended to help business owners and managers tackle common challenges, such as supervision, scaling, and recruiting.
This course introduces basic principles of business development and help business owners assess their readiness for growth.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 35 mins
This course introduces basic HR skills and practices that can help employers and managers increase productivity and satisfaction in their workplace.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 30 mins
Many small businesses find they reach a point where they can’t grow their business without adding more staff. This course introduces options for scaling a business in a sustainable way.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 20 mins
There are many reasons why business owners may need to scale down their businesses. This introduces tools and supports that can help business owners successfully scale down their businesses.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 15 mins
This course introduces the basic skills and knowledge that are required to be an effective supervisor.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 35 mins
Social media is a powerful recruiting tool. This course explains how employers can use social media to increase their brand recognition, shorten their recruitment time, and reach passive candidates.
Languages: EN/FR
Duration: 15 mins
These courses are intended to help participants develop job search methods and strategies so that they can secure jobs, launch their careers, and meet their career goals.
This course introduces participants to the career planning process. It introduces participants to resources they can use to explore career possibilities and make informed career decisions. It also shows participants how to create an action plan so that they can map out what they need to do to achieve their career goals.
Duration: 45 minutes
This course introduces participants to effective job search methods and techniques.
Duration: 1.5 hours
A well-written cover letter and a properly tailored resume are important tools for all job seekers to have. This course shows participants how to develop a cover letter and resume that will make them stand out.
Duration: 1.25 hours
Job seekers need to be prepared to make a good first impression when they sit down for an interview. This course is intended to help participants prepare for, conduct and follow-up on an interview.
Duration: 1 hour
This course helps participants assess their employment readiness and provides helpful tips for getting and keeping a job.
Duration: 1 hour
Many people are intimidated by the idea of handling money or following a budget. In this course, participants learn how to approach responsibilities, such as handling cash, respecting prices, and staying on top of inventory, with care.
Duration: 25 Minutes
To compete in the job market, job seekers must be willing to grow, improve, and constantly learn. To do that they need to know how to learn effectively. This course introduces five key habits that will help people learn.
Duration: 15 Minutes
This suite of courses introduces topics help ensure employers and employees are in compliance with rules, regulations, and legislation.
Whether you are a manager in a restaurant, a volunteer at a charity fundraiser or someone looking to gain the skills to join the food service industry. The courses below provide you with information about best practices in safe food handling and hygiene practice skills.
Food Safety Basics | The safe food handling and good hygiene practices are vital for anyone employed in the food service industry. This course introduces topics such as proper cooling, defrosting cooking and reheating methods, foodborne illnesses, food allergies and intolerances, prventing cross contamination and proper handwashing techiques. | 1.5 hours |
Food Safety: What to Expect when We’re Inspecting | All businesses that prepare and serve food in restaurants, deli counters, food trucks, and more—are inspected regularly. This course shows what happens during a typical inspection. It explains how any problems the inspection uncovers are addressed. | 35 Minutes |
Food Safety: Temporary Food Premises | This course outlines the process for registering a temporary food premises and reviews the general operating guidelines for protecting public health. | 20 Minutes |
Food Safety: Home-Based Food Preparation Businesses | This course offers guidance on registering a home-based business. It outlines the kitchen and menu requirements and reviews safe food handling practices. | 20 Minutes |
Food Safety: Not-for-Profit and Volunteer-Run Events | This course covers the details needed to register a non-for-profit as a food service provider and outlines ways of preventing the spread of foodborne illnesses through proper food handling techniques. | 20 Minutes |
Retailers of both Cannabis and Tobacco are expected to understand and follow a wide array of laws and regulations related to the sale and supply of cannabis and tobacco products. The courses below will help owners, operators and their employees understand their responsibilities for being responsible retailers.
Cannabis Retailing | These courses are intended to provide store clerks with the knowledge required to be responsible budtenders, and owners and operators if authorized cannabis stores with the knowledge required to be responsible retailers. | 1.25 hours |
Tobacco Retail: Responsible Store Clerk | This course is intended to help employees understand and comply with laws regarding the sale and supply of tobacco and vapour products. | 10 Minutes |
Tobacco Retail: Responsible Retailing | This course is intended to help owners and managers understand and comply with the legislation, keep harmful substances out of the hands of minors, and avoid serious fines and penalties. | 15 Minutes |
Building Accessibility Awareness: Getting Started | This course provides building owners and designers with the information required to be compliant with building accessibility requirements. | 60 Minutes | Employer |
Building Accessibility Awareness: Planning and Designing for Accessibility | This course is intended to provide building owners and designers with an overview of common obstacles to persons with disabilities. It introduces design criteria and ways to plan buildings to avoid these obstacles. | 60 Minutes | Employer |
Swimming pool owners and operators have a host of responsibilities to ensure laws and regulations for swimming pool operation are followed. These include facility requirements, swimmer safety, water quality and inspection requirements. The courses below provide owners and operators with the information needed to address these requirements.
Pool Operator: What to Expect when We’re Inspecting | This course is intended to help public pool owners and operators plan and prepare for an inspection. It explains why it is important to carry out inspections, what happens during a typical inspection and what types of follow-up can be expected. | 30 Minutes |
Be a Pool Pro: Water Quality | This course provides information about filtration, circulation and water chemistry standards for public pools and outlines the steps to take when faced with common pool problems. | 70 Minutes |
Be a Pool Pro: Bather Safety | This course outlines the regulatory requirements for lifeguard supervision, pool signage, safety hazards and emergency procedures. | 30 Minutes |
Be a Pool Pro: Facility Requirements | This course provides pool owner and operators with information about the different classes of public pools, washroom requirements and standards for lifesaving devices and control stations. | 20 Minutes |
Whether it’s on a Federal, State/Provincial, or Industry level, Bluedrop’s interactive courseware can accelerate the upskilling and credentialing of your workforce.
Simply complete the form below and a Bluedrop ISM team member will contact you to arrange your 30 minute power demo of the SkillsPass training platform and our related workforce training solutions.
Free Trial!
Simply complete the form below. A SkillsPass team member will contact you with the details for your 90-day free, no-obligation trial of SkillsPass- including setup, activation, feature walk-through, and the various terms and conditions that apply.
Bluedrop’s experience and proven eLearning content development capabilities are foundational in supporting our customers’ upskilling & reskilling requirements, and in maximizing the power of the SkillsPass™ Integrated Skills Management Platform.
Whether for broad State/Province upskilling programs, or single use, rapid response training requirements for a specific industry requirement- we can deliver an online solution with proven effectiveness and verifiable training results.
Bluedrop has developed and deployed eLearning training to support large and diverse upskilling and reskilling initiatives of governments and industries around the globe.
Bluedrop has amassed a a vast library of proven and impactful eLearning courses. Specialization includes commercial truck driver training, workplace productivity, entrepreneurship and a host of regulatory inspired courses,
The eLearning content solution combined with our SkillsPass ISM platform to help connect workers, employers, and related stakeholders. We also offer full execution support and program management including marketing, adoption, and customer support specialists that help drive successful uptake and results.
Offers online training, certification, and credential management capabilities to support the transformation of broad-based upskilling/reskilling.
Is industry-agnostic, and is now securely deployed with governments, industry associations and employers around the world, with close to 3 Million users.
Enables the deployment of wide ranging course content options to support skill development including industry mandated, OH&S, and upskilling in those critical in-demand functions required in the new digital economy.
Provides partners with a digital, single line-of-sight into training results, credentials, and certifications at the industry through to the individual level.
With security and support that safeguards our client investments in two key ways:
Providing end-to-end training delivery and credential management for all training formats…
A seamless online training ecosystem connection for all stakeholders or partners…
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